Great organisations, companies and networks
Here are links to some of the places close to me in my work and play, roughly ordered by headings. If you click on any of the pictures, they will take you to the most relevant website where you can find out a lot more. Many of the listings are hard to catogorise as I have worked, volunteered, supplied to, and been supplied from many, if not practically all, of the following...
Current workGarvald EdinburghHere I'm employed full time (for the first time in my life!) on a maternity cover until Feb 2015 as a Workshop Leader. I support about 20 adults with learning disabilities to make organic cakes, biscuits, scones, puddings and, of course, oatcakes...
ceilidh collectiveA group of us informally hosting ceilidhs to raise unrestricted funds for various grassroots organisations and charities. I designed and edit the website. The ceilidh collective runs as a voluntary arm of boe.
Edinburgh Ethical HampersA joint venture with Anna Liebmann to bring her stunning baskets together with other small local businesses, social enterprises and charities to bring the perfect hamper of delights for any time of year and occasion.
Previously on the Isle of Mull...Kintra OatcakesVery part-time micro-business, and first physical product for sale. Oatcakes made on the Ross of Mull with love. Four varieties: Oats, Oil & Salt; Chive & Pumpkin; Chilli; Sesame. Available when available from Crofters' Kitchen & Gardens and Bunessan Bakehouse.
Key suppliersGreencity WholefoodsGreencity have been my main dried foods and drinks supplier for past 15 years. Excellent value, top service and knowledgeable real, caring people. They deliver to wholesale and consumer co-ops throughout Scotland . Anna LiebmannAnna grows her own willow and makes stunning baskets of all shapes and sizes including bike panniers, lampshades, as well as shoppers and fruit baskets, platters, stars and huge outdoor structures. You can commission her here. We collaborate on Edinburgh Ethical Hampers, I helped her with her website and I'm her boyfriend! Frog PotteryMichelle shared her first damp cold pottery with lots of happy frogs... She's now based from her home in Edinburgh and supplies us with fabulously stunning pots which available in the Bakehouse.
The Chocolate TreePurveyors of ultimate organic yumminess, with cafe-shop on Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh. We used to stock the delectable bars in Bunessan Bakehouse.
Ross of MullThe Crofters' Kitchen & GardensIncredibly productive and beautiful croft worked by Rosie, her family and Wwoofers; includes self-service shop selling her own grown and produced foods, and a good selection of organic wholefoods. Visit! greenleavesGood honest insured gardeners for the Ross of Mull. Also starting to sell produce at the Bakehouse and elsewhere. I was the extra pair of hands and feet (when I didn't forget!) and got their website up and running. Leob CroftI was the gardener here, one day a week, and designed and edited the website. Rustic self-catering accommodation is available for those seeking a quiet simple escape for a week or longer.
Bunessan BakehouseThe wonderful cafe where I ran a couple of evenings (pizza night and fish & chips) and was the Tuesday baker and online social media butterfly.
EdinburghRedhall Walled GardenMuch more to follow about this inspirational organisation in Edinburgh, part of SAMH... I've been a trainee, and have worked there, as well as hosting several weddings, conferences and functions. You can find a link to many photos of Redhall here. The Engine ShedA very special social enterprise in Edinburgh with veggie cafe, organic bakery, and the finest tofu in Scotland. I learnt to bake here whilst as the relief baker and group worker with young people with learning disabilities. Fantastic place. New Leaf Co-opGet all your local groceries from this hearty workers' co-operative. Inspiring stuff - you can even grind your own peanut butter!
East Coast OrganicsSupply the majority of our fresh fruit and vegetables for jobs in Edinburgh and the east coast of Scotland. They grow a lot themselves and supplement with imports. Local box scheme also available. |