How many of us feel informed enough to know how to make an educated cross on a slip of paper? Lets do away with any sense of petty nationalism (on both sides) and focus on what kind of country we want post-referendum, whichever way we decide to vote as a country.
It feels like this is a ripe time to evaluate what really matters in life. What kind of country we can pass down to our next generations? I believe we need humility, courage, openness, and commitment to work together. I believe we need to talk about what we really want for Scotland; what’s important deep down. I believe we need to know how we can best support, encourage and empower all those who are defranchised and marginalised in our society.
Let us walk forward, and talk. The campaigning is far too soon for people to align themselves with NO and YES camps. I believe most of us don’t yet know what we are voting for.
Its time for conversations, let the campaigning wait… #conversations